

Discussion Spot

I hope that those of you who have discovered my website find something within it that is thought provoking or in someway useful to you. If so, I thought that you might want to share your thoughts with me or others, hence the presence of this "Discussion" page that has links that corresponds to the content of this site. When you go to those links that correspond to the topic, book, etc., that you want to somehow respond to you may write your comments and/or questions and I'll do my best to respond to it or I may not if it's not something I need to respond to. I don't expect everyone to agree with everything you find here, but I do expect respectful dialogue. I will remove any comments that I deem inappropriate. I do appreciate the time you've taken to read what I've place here and to comment on it. God bless.

-KD McMahon








Contact Me:

email: kevindmcmahon@gmail.com
