

Damn this was a lot of hard work! It is a good thing I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started it otherwise I might not have gone ahead with the Masters of Science Education. But I'm glad I did. When I started I thought, "Well, they're not going to teach this old dog new tricks." Was I wrong. I don't think I've experienced a more intense learning curve then what this program offered me. As a result, my first thanks go to my professors: Dr. Michael Rivas, Dr. Norm Herr, Dr. Brian Foley, and Dr. Ken Berry. What a bunch of competent and caring teachers! Thanks for all that you taught me.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to my 4th period AP Chemistry class who volunteered to be the guinea pigs of my Action Research Project. I hope they benefitted from our discussions on the relationship between science and aesthetics. Many of their responses to my surveys and questionnaires were very insightful and provided me with great data to report on in my thesis. It has been a privilege to have been their chemistry teacher.

I would like to thank my Magnet Coordinator, Shauna Lehtihalme, and my Assistant Principal, Tony Recalde, who were supportive of this endeavor. Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank my wife, Jan, and my children, Megan and Breanna, for being patient with me during the past two years—especially during the writing of this thesis. Thanks to all.


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